Friday, May 13, 2011

67 impala renders

I know the reflection is a little messed up along the side however its not due to the model, I think its the hdri image being that the image is of a culdesac? if thats how you spell it. 

Heres what I have been working on for the last week or so in between everything else going on.  Five passes on this one. Amb Occ, Diffuse, Shadow, Beauty, and z depth. I plan on animating a smokey burn out by the end of the quarter. Fingers crossed. Any suggestions?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Internship at FUSE Animation

So I landed an internship at FUSE Animation in downtown Minneapolis for my last quarter at Ai. The guys working there are pretty awesome. A lot of amazing working and talent is oozing out of those crazy guys. The studio itself is an awesome environment to work in and Broeska makes it that much more interesting. Check out their work at Your mind will be blown so wear clothes that  you dont mind getting a little brain matter on.
So far I have been there a week and have been spending most my time modeling and learning Cinema 4D and starting to get a hang of it, liking it a lot. I'll post pics of the work I have done at Fuse as its completed.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Ben Franklin's Glasses"

For some reason or another I became inspired to do a scene of Ben Franklin's bifocal glasses.(I really think I just wanted to work with creating flames and the lighting it emits.) The document is of the original Declaration of Independence draft that Mr Franklin help edit. This is early in the stages of texturing and has a ways to go yet.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Business card anyone?

Blogs are kind of like business cards themselves, but the tangible card you can hand to someone and carry in their wallet is priceless. Here is my final draft of my current card. If you want one let me know and I get one to you....Some how.

And so it begins.......

So I have been wanting to get this blog up and going so I can critical feedback on working progress and just let you all know what am I working on. Not to mention getting to know everybody else out there in the industry. Please feel free to comment on anything here (be brutality honest please, it may sting but I may just need to hear it from you guys to make it better). Thanks for stopping by!  Ready. Set. Create!